For several Years the BBC World Service had a community of several thousand football fans, who chatted among themselves about football. To these fans it is called the Beautiful Game, an International game, where people compete, banter, use colourful language to celebrate a peaceful rivalry played out all over the World and once every 4 years as the World Cup.
Most of these fans chatted long and hard in the tradition of colourul working class language, with a passion and emotion, that was tradition of more than a hundred years. Their loves and hates played out often in a healthy harmless rant form. This tradition often stemmed from more than a hundred years of factory workers, mine workers etc. escaping the hard blck and white grind of daily life in an escape every week, where the paid their hard earned money to support their local clubs in a celebration of football passion that was healthy outlet often in rant form..
Most of these fans also pay every year a hefty license to finance the British Broadcasting Corporation, which they must do if they own a TV. This is obligatory and the alternative is prison, whether the watch the BBC or not.
In 2006 against the wishes of the vast majority of these fans, the BBC disbanded this community of BBC 606 chatters. Despite considerable protest and pleadings the community was destroyed. They as a sop set up an alternative new BBC 606, controlled by BBC hand picked professional pundits and created a format where the traditional chat ceased.
The traditional 606 chat format, enabled spontanious, emotional chat where foorball relationships developed, where spelling or education was not the issue, simply football.
At this time, the BBC censored up to half the contributions made to its 606 foorball boards and continues to carry out this censorhip irrespective of its paying clients wishes. Meantime the large International Corporate Interests started to colonize the game and the advertizing revenues and vast money's involved ran side by side with this sanitized image of a basically working class international game.
This blog will be a record of ongoing contributions Censored by the BBC World Service and the contributions of any football lover is welcome.
I am A fan of Aston Villa football Club one of the Greatest football clubs in the World. Up the Villa ! My name is Maroon. There are no spelling checks or editing carried out on this blog in the interests of spontaneity. Its not about being clever, its just good honest human emotion, round the game. To me all rant is valid without the haters, racism, sexism or violence.
Strong language is natural and healthy, bottom line no Violence or incitement to Violence. Settle it on the pitch. Love Maroon
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