Tuesday 19 December 2006

Righteouf Fquire Banned by BBC

BBC,Censorship,Football,Beautiful Game,

'The Righteouf Fquire Rascal of Charlef' there is an interesting
account of a local nobleman who sold judgements on outsiders who frequented
the villa. Squire Rascal was known, somewhat affectionately in the villa
of Monmuthe as the 'jug-earede cunte', or the 'fatte baftard of Avon'.
He had something of a reputation for sending outsiders back to Viking
held territory where anyone with black hair would be put to death with
red hot pokers. This passage here is quite explicit...

"'Ye outfidere folk cried do not put upon uf ye red hot pokerf, which
scorch and blifter our anufef.(red card) But ye jug-eared cunte, Fquire
Ruffel hearde non of it and even ignoring hif own adviferf of ye
Foreign Hall of the Council, did fend all ye outfideref back to have ye red
hot pokerf(red card) thruft up their anufef. And all ye while ye ferrety
Viking King Robertffon did laff hif goolief off'."

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